Monday, June 20, 2011

Social Currency

Have you seen those commercials that reference social currency?

I'm not exactly sure what they are in reference to, but I know you can't purchase "stuff" with it. I've been working on this app for some time now and I had an opportunity to show it to a pretty astute friend. He said, "you have the real social currency!"..."You're using someone's Facebook friend count as their currency."

He's right. With this app, businesses can list the products they are willing to exchange for a flattering Facebook post and the required amount of Facebook friends a user must have to "get it". After all, what good does it do a business if someone has 3 Facebook friends. Not much advertising there.

So take a minute and explore the app with actual social currency.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


This idea of "paying" customers to post flattering messages about your business in exchange for products and services... It certainly seems logical. Businesses value a flattering post and customers value your "stuff". Why not reward them if they are willing to advertise for you.

It's almost like...Why didn't anyone else think of that? I suppose the devil is in the details.

Sure they can post stuff about you, but how does a business keep track of it all? How does a business know that the post wasn't immediately deleted? How does a business analyze the posts for effectiveness?

Enter Pay Me With A Post.

The system does all that and more! And for "peanuts" compared to traditional marketing programs.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Getting Started

Pay Me With A Facebook Post gives you the flexibility to customize messages that your customers can post to their facebook wall in exchange for products and / or services of your choosing.

Getting started is easy.
1. Select Message Settings
2. Add your company name
3. Create categories
4. Create messages
5. Add any photos or links you would like to include with your messages
6. Add your products and services you are willing to exchange for a flattering post
7. Add a "Pay Me With A Post" button to your website or blog